Your church may already have Kingdom entrepreneurs sitting in the seats. How do you find and engage them? Here’s how to discover the hidden entrepreneurial talent in your congregation.

Teach on the theology of work and mission: Share biblical examples of how work and mission go hand in hand. This will help people see their everyday jobs as a platform for Kingdom work. 

Host discovery workshops: Create spaces where people can reflect on their gifts and how they can serve the church and community. This is where Kingdom entrepreneurs can see how their skills might be used for God’s mission.

Initiate one-on-one conversations: Sometimes, all it takes is a personal conversation. Talk to members of your congregation who are business owners or creatives and encourage them to consider how they can integrate faith and work.

Your church likely already has the resources to start Kingdom entrepreneurship; it’s just a matter of identifying and mobilizing them. With the right approach, these leaders can bring new energy and purpose to your congregation.

Learn more about bringing missional entrepreneurial thinking to your church and community.